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Rising Star Healing
DNA Activation
Private Sessions
Access your true potential and discover your life's purpose
Most people are born with only 2-3 DNA strands of their 92 total strands activated. The rest is dormant. Therefore, most people access only 10-20% of their true potential. Several technologies now exist that may light up, or activate, the DNA up to the 12th, 22nd, or 24th strand. That is helpful, but how can you activate more DNA strands?
The Rising Star Healing System can activate up to 92 strands of DNA within your being.
With each Rising Star healing session, as much DNA as you are ready to have activated will be activated for you. When that is fully integrated and you are ready to have more of your DNA strands activated, you will simply feel a very strong urge to receive another Rising Star healing session, where more DNA strands will be activated for you.
With DNA Activation, your highest potential can become your reality.
DNA Activation is a huge acceleration step on your personal path, and can open you to profound spiritual advancement. DNA Activation will also help you to remain centered and healthy during this time of great planetary change.
The benefits are DNA Activation are extensive:
Bring your life's purpose into alignment, and become empowered to achieve that purpose.
Increase your brain utilization dramatically. Through muscle testing, a person's brain utilization before DNA Activation was measured at 7%, and less than one week after her DNA Activation she measured at 20% brain utilization.
Strengthen your DNA, while clearing unwanted debris from your DNA structure.
Open to new and increased talents and abilities.
Enjoy increased energy, increased clarity and focus, and reduced mind chatter and drama.
Create a greater opening for connection with your Higher Self.
Open more fully to your spiritual gifts and abilities.
Clear family and genetic karmic patterns 3-5 generations into your past and future.
Strengthen your immune system, and benefit your nerves, blood, skin, respiratory system and muscles.
Bring in and hold much more positive energy in your physical body.
In one profound case, one week after Activation, a woman stopped smoking, stopped drinking alcohol, stopped drinking coffee, began to eliminate her use of anti-depressant medication, and reported feeling wonderful!
DNA activation is a sacred process. It was originally performed in the Great Pyramid of Giza, to prepare priests, priestesses, oracles, prophets and high healers for positions of power and responsibility within their community.
Schedule a Rising Star healing session, and have up to 40 strands of DNA activated today! The Rising Star works on the five elements that exist within your being: fire, water, air, earth and ether. Although not always discernible to our limited human perspective, the first four elements are found in your physical body. While the fifth element, ether, refers to the part of you that is beyond the physical elements, directly connected to Source.
The Rising Star also brings healing to all seven body systems. The seven body systems are like seven layers of energy around you. The physical body is the first and most dense body system, and the only body system visible to the eye. The physical body is surrounded by six other body systems, including the emotional body system, and so on. As healing is brought to all body systems at once, very deep healing can occur.
The Rising Star is a Source to Source healing, completely pure.
Every session is unique.
The Rising Star is a Source to Source healing, completely pure. The healing energy comes from Source above and goes to Source within you. This Higher Consciousness that is actually performing the session, through the practitioner as a channel or conduit, knows exactly what you need on all levels - even more than you might know of yourself. Every session is completely unique, because with each session Source brings exactly what you need at that time.
DNA Activation Testimonials
"I am a certified Kinesiologist. Before my DNA Activation, I muscle tested my brain usage at 7%, which is normal. Less than one week after my Activation, I tested my brain usage again. This time I was using 20% of my brain! To me, this is hard evidence of the benefits of this modality. I am extremely pleased and amazed."
"I highly recommend the DNA Activation for all! It is miraculous. Ever since my activation, I feel so ALIVE, FOCUSED, INSPIRED, GROUNDED and FULL OF JOY, LIGHT and PEACE. I no longer wake groggy and reluctantly. The energy is upon me almost immediately upon waking. I feel as though some obstacle has been cleared. I feel no way to fully repay The Rising Star Method for the blessings and the DNA Activations it has brought me. I would tell others to clear your minds of doubt and just GO and do this for yourself."
"I continue to experience amazing results, both from the DNA activation and from the truly remarkable healing. I have not experienced such a good centered pain free existence in many years."
"Since my DNA Activation I have come into closer contact with my true being, and with it a renewed sense of purpose and peace. I am much more spiritually aware and filled with the joy of life. I've opened up to the person I've always wanted to be. If everyone on the Planet got their DNA activated, the world would be a better place. I recommend it to all. Plus, I've quit smoking after 15 years!"